I have accumulated a lot of random ideas that i want to transcribe and in doing so organize them into into coherent thoughts. So i decided to start a blog.
After lots of yak shaving and messing around with static site generators i decided to just get started with my first post, the reasoning is once the first one is out there the next ones will be easier.So to bypass this mental block, i’ll just dump some ideas i want to write about.
- Why write ?
- Keeping a work journal (and/or a personal one too)
- My note taking flow (Papyrus)
- Refining this blog
- Iterators are beautiful #python
- Underrated gems of python standard lib (itertools, collections, heapq, …)
- Checklist for learning a new language (levels of language proficiency)
- Supporting others by exposing personal vulnerability
- TIL (Today i learned) index
- Problem solving cheat-sheet
- Exploring RaspberryPi Pico
- Stickers page
- Playing around with graphs (networkX)